Further Education and Training Certificate:
Social Auxiliary Work

Level: 4
SAQA ID: 23993
Credits: 180
The purpose of the qualification is to equip qualifying learners with the following:
Basic knowledge and understanding of the South African context within which social services function and are delivered.
Understanding of social development in terms of the needs, policies and the role of the social auxiliary worker.
Basic knowledge of human behaviour, relationship systems and social issues and the ability to address social needs using appropriate social auxiliary work methods and techniques.
The skills to work as a team member and as a provider of support services to the social work team.
The successful completion of the qualification will enable the learner to: -
Register with the SA Council for Social Service Professions as a Social Auxiliary Worker in terms of section 18 of the Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act 110 of 1978).
Continue learning and gain access, for example to the Bachelor of Social Work (NQF Level 7) qualification.
A national priority in South Africa is to address the many social development needs prevalent amongst individuals, families, groups and communities. Social auxiliary work and social work are acknowledged as being essential to address these priority social needs. Social auxiliary work and social work are in the frontline of social development and transformation, particularly in traditionally under-resourced communities.
The need for social auxiliary workers in South Africa was identified more than 10 years ago, leading to the role and functions of Social Auxiliary Work being defined in the Regulations to the Social Service Professions Act, 1978. These Regulations define social auxiliary work as " an act or activity practised by a social auxiliary worker under the guidance and control of the social worker and as a supporting service to a social worker to achieve the aims of social work". This implies that social auxiliary workers are assistants to social workers, providing support services and working under the supervision of social workers. Social auxiliary work complements and supports social work in all focus areas with services to individuals, families, groups and communities.
In order to provide this assistance and support to the social work team, a qualification in social auxiliary work and registration with the SA Council for Social Service Professions are necessary.
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